photography, fiber art, painting, stained glass, and creative writing...


Thanks for stopping by, these are the dreams and musings of a mother with Asperger Syndrome who parents two children on the spectrum. Art is therapeutic for us, please enjoy.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Art through the eye of the Aspie

Art Deco through the Eye of an Aspie

I love the art deco period and as luck would have it our hotel on a recent trip was a fabulous representation of the period! If you know me - you'll know I love to photograph doorway and fire escapes. This trip I enjoyed the art deco light fixtures, so I thought Robert Schumann said it well:

"To send light into the darkness of men's hearts - such is the duty of the artist."
~Robert Schumann, German Composer

My husband and I managed a quick get away for a few nights while out 18 and 11 year olds had some fun ordering delivery with the money we left them. They get along much better when we aren't home :)

I'm not sure why I go through phases but in Italy I was captivated by doorways, in New York City it was the fire escapes down the sides of buildings and in Vegas it is the amazing deco light fixtures.

Thanks for sharing another peek at some photos = I like to refer to as art therapy :o)
Join me again for some quilting fun - crazy style

Saturday, November 21, 2009


A day with Chihuly Art Glass

I have been homeschooling my son for a little over a month now and after completing some work we went to the art museum. Tacoma has a wonderful glass museum and art museum. Having a combination of anxiety with Aspergers when we arrived at the museum and saw a number of school buses he opted to begin at the glass museum bridge that is covered with Chihuly art glass.

My children and I like to take photos so we each had a camera with us.

The roof of the covered portion of the bridge is full of hundreds of pieces of art glass and one side has larger vases encased in glass.

There are beautiful fountains in front of the museum of glass

We use art as a therapy or form of stress-release and also enjoy studying new forms of art or learning about new artists.
Thanks for sharing our day at the museum.