photography, fiber art, painting, stained glass, and creative writing...


Thanks for stopping by, these are the dreams and musings of a mother with Asperger Syndrome who parents two children on the spectrum. Art is therapeutic for us, please enjoy.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Follow Your Dreams

Follow Your Dreams - for many years now my motto has been "Be a DREAMER & a DOER"
And now I am living that dream. After being diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome on the autism spectrum I have made many connections with others who are autistic.

There is one commonality that we seem to share - we are all creative types and often very artistic. I wrote WHY DON'T THEY COME WITH INSTRUCTIONS? to share a little look at my families journey with autism. After a teaching career I knew I needed to educate to create awareness.

Naturally Autistic ANCA www.naturallyautistic.com is the organization I have chosen to share my talents with. I will be co-writing a "foodie" column with an gluten free/casein free chef and he and I will each have our own radio shows beginning in March.

Follow Your Dreams is the title of my show and I'll be sharing what I have learned along my journey growing up without an autism diagnosis. DREAMS are powerful if you focus on them they can carry you through the dark times life brings. I hope you'll visit naturally autistic website and sign up for the free newsletter so you can follow our column and find links to the wonderful radio shows.