photography, fiber art, painting, stained glass, and creative writing...


Thanks for stopping by, these are the dreams and musings of a mother with Asperger Syndrome who parents two children on the spectrum. Art is therapeutic for us, please enjoy.

Monday, October 12, 2009

These Aspie's and their Art are Never Far Apart

I figured out early on that my children suffer from extreme anxiety in addition to the Autism Spectrum Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Tourette's Syndrome.

Art has been one activity that has been helpful in reducing our anxieties. We often head to our local zoo to draw the animals. Being in nature, in the presence of animals and using art in these natural settings has been a blessing.

The term "syndrome" refers to the association of several clinically recognizable signs or symptoms, hence those with Autism Spectrum Disorders may have multiple associated disorders. My son has Asperger's Syndrome and some mild OCD and I myself have Asperger's and some mild OCD and Tourette's symptoms.

I've been thinking about the various symptoms that my son and I have experienced in trying to put together a presentation so I may speak at schools to share information with teachers and other parents/PTA.

Both my children and I are very clumsy. I have often noticed a strange gait when my son is running and he can be clumsy. During my early growing up years, I felt awkward and like I never fit in-very uncomfortable in my skin. My mother assumed I was rushing when I had difficulty with writing. My daughter has poor penmanship and has never been able to learn to ride a bicycle. All three of us have difficulty falling asleep; I wake up frequently during the night and my son wakes with the chickens!

In creating diagnostic criteria, Dr. Hans Asperger noted, "Children with AS may be delayed in acquiring skills requiring motor dexterity, such as riding a bicycle or opening a jar, and may seem to move awkwardly or feel "uncomfortable in their own skin". They may be poorly coordinated, or have an odd or bouncy gait or posture or poor handwriting. Children with AS are more likely to have sleep problems, including difficulty in falling asleep, frequent nocturnal awakenings, and early morning awakenings.

As I have shared my insights with my sons's teachers they have truly appreciated the assistance it has provided them in teaching him. I hope my art and books will support my non-profit so I may work with other youth and speak in public about autism/aspergers.

“Not everything that steps out of line, and thus ‘abnormal’, must necessarily be ‘inferior’.” ~ Hans Asperger (1938)

If I could explain to you how I feel about people it is this: we are all just HUMAN, no condition defines who we are–we are all different shades of ordinary. My hope is that others will learn to embrace those with differences and be more accepting. I will continue to share the story of my experiences with Asperger Syndrome.

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