I find art in everything... The forties was a particularly beautiful period in time. Our family has found a fixer of a project for our new home. 1946 Jensen Motor Yacht that is 62 feet
The original light fixtures, whistle/horn, kitchen cupboard knobs, fireplace... She is amazing. Yes, she needs a great deal of work, but what an adventure! The burl walnut paneling is beautiful
She came out of the water (was actually the 2nd largest boat they had ever pulled out of the water at the Port of Everett, Washington). My husband has been working with experts to repair and repaint the bottom and hull. She is really becoming a beauty, with black bottom, green boot-stripe and white hull.
I can't wait to remodel the kitchen to a forties red & white retro kitchen. My red kitchenAid mixer will fit right in, now all I need is a retro, red toaster :o)
I'll have more pictures to come as our project progresses :)
For now I have to get back to work on Farmer's Market visits for my California Bay Area book
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